Project 1 Notions of Beauty and Responsible Design

Project Brief
"You each will create a 30 second video advertisement which you will use only mobile phone technology, online editing and animation software the final work will be posted on you tube.
The subject of the advertisement is "notions of beauty and responsible design". So you will need to research the topic yourselves. At the end of four weeks all students will have created the advertisement that must be viewed online via you tube."


This video shows the harsh reality of what we see daily in newspapers, magazines, on the Internet and TV. The pictures we see make us by the product, be like that person, want to be there size, and want to be something that isn't real.

Apart of my daily routine is buying the sun newspaper, after finding a very small article I linked it straight to "Notions of Beauty and Responsible Design."

Snaps give kids a Brit of comfort
Doctored Britney Spears pic to be shown in schools

THESE saucy snaps of Britney Spears will be shown to schoolkids as young as eight — to make them feel better about their body shapes. They can compare a real photo of pop princess Britney, 29, with one airbrushed by a magazine to make her look slimmer. The pictures will be in teaching packs sent to primary schools in a Government-backed drive against the Size Zero culture.
Kids will be taught to be happy about their weight. Equalities minister Lynne Featherstone said: "I want children to recognise their value is much more than physical appearance."

Full Article

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Boots cosmetic brand No7 will launch its new ‘Ta Dah’ campaign, using non-airbrushed, age-appropriate models that have not had plastic surgery.

The campaign will show close-ups of the models without using enhancements such as false eyelashes, as No7 have stated that the campaign will not ‘misrepresent the efficacy’of it's products.


More about the campaign

I recently watched an investigation on watch dog which can be watched on the following link.

Snog Marry Avoid

This is a very powerful advert the advert is about parents doing things that they shouldn’t be doing around children because they copy what they do the video is very mind blowing and clever it gets to the point in a portentous way.

Story Board for my Video
Click to enlarge Image

Young girl reads beauty magazine of air brushed ladies and things she starts getting depressed about her appearance.
The next morning while getting ready for school the young girl applies make up.

The young girl leaves for school without being confronted about the makeup she is wearing.

But lucky enough the young girl is stopped. But what if she was allowed out the house with makeup and she was paid compliments about her appearance? The young girl would start applying makeup part of her daily routine.
My Videos
This video I got the inspiration from "Children see, Children do!" expect for using the parents as a role model to the child, I used an older sibling. But I don't think communicating with that and I could see how it was understood.

This is my final video that needs some time adjusting, to make it 30 seconds, It’s not the best video in the world but I think it is a good concept, but I do wonder whether I am communicating my concept well enough.


I felt the time limit we had was more than enough and while doing the project I came up with some poems and ideas. So I created this leaflet. I won’t tell you what it says . . . you have to print it off and reflect it in a mirror to read it.