The Brief
I Hate fast food menus they all look the same and a majority of the time when they come through the door I throw them in the bin.
Re-design a fast food take away menu in your area. Listen to what the fast food restaurant want in their menu and make them use your design concepts and menu from now. Treat this as a real job, apart from you’re not getting paid but gaining experience.
I approached a local fast food restaurant and ask the owners if i could re-design their menu, free of charge, but if i design it and it is to their standard they have to use it. They agreed and said that they were in the process of redesigning a menu and wanted my thoughts on it i said the pictures where pixelated the menu didn't logo didn't look great and the menu looked like it had been rushed on Microsoft word.
Orignal Menu
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Orignal Menu
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This is the original menu design the shop owners gave me they had already started marking out what was wrong with the menu and what needed to be changed. First problem i found with the menu was it is all in CAPITALS which is harder to read and some of the words are shortened which might not make sense to some customers.
Previous Menu
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The design concept I found with their previous Menu was some what similar to their new designed menu, the text is too small and the menu looks dull and over crowded.
Logo Ideas
I discovered their logo was done on word, nothing wrong with that but it needs to be up to standard the problem with their logo is the text did not read correctly when going upside down in the circle so i created some logos taking their idea and what they wanted and created a blog. they wanted an optical rings and a Italian flag incorperated into one Logo.
Developed Logos
Menu Ideas
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The menu I designed i took all aspects of the original design and just made the menu neater, readable and less crowded i hate pixelated images and on their previous menu all they had was unfocused images from the Internet. I did suggest to them that taking photos of their own pizzas and food would be much more appealing then what they have got on their menu.
Developed Menus
I have developed a menu of their choice from the menu ideas and have started to place the developed logo on to the header of the front of the menu.
Strange Development
The owners were please with the menu design so far but commented on the developed logo and suggest for an image of a pizza to be put where the header is and for a logo or type to be put over the top of the image. i did suggest it would not be a great idea due to the image being pixalated in such a tight space. The handed me another company's menu and asked me to scan the image and use the whole of the square image into a rectangular box, it is not impossible but just weird to why you would want a pixalted photo, that was from a different company's menu on your menu.
Menu Headers
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Despite my opinion I did design some menu Headers for them to choose and created some new logo designs that fit in with the image.
Did they decided to use the menu? NO
Did they have a good enough reason not to? NO
After all my works and day in and day out of visiting them at their shop, they were always fussy to what they wanted in their menu and constantly changed menu prices and offers which i didn't mind. the reason they didn't use my menu was because they said they were only doing it to help me with my university work, but that wasn't the deal, i designed their menu specially for them with their thought, ideas and feedback in mind, i tweaked it till they said to me there is no more for me to do. i don't regret doing this project, i have learnt alot and wouldn't change the experience. what made me laugh was he had an artist who apparently dose his designs for him every year that's right an artist not a graphic designer but an artist someone who specialises in painting, if that was the cases why did he even allow me to do the menu design. he told me if i wanted i could use some of they previous menus to put in my portfolio i said "not being rude but if i put them designs in my portfolio, it would be degrading for myself not to mention my tutors" to which i laughed it off and left the shop and haven't returned since. they thought they were doing me the favour their lost not mine.